employee can cost
2x annual salary
of that employee
twice as likely
as boomers to quit their jobs
Employers can increase the likelihood of attracting a diverse pool of candidates through rehigher, ensuring that the hiring process is inclusive and that all candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications and skills.
We all know how much it costs to restaff positions and you don't even know if they are a good fit.
rehigher identifies individuals who are more likely to be satisfied with the job and stay with the company for a longer period.
By promoting commitment to diversity and inclusion in the hiring process, enhance your organization's reputation as a socially responsible and progressive employer and attracting and retaining top talent, particularly from diverse backgrounds.
Match current and outgoing staff for internal hiring within your organization.
Saving your organization at least 2x that employee's salary.
By selecting candidates who are a good fit for the job and the organization, rehigher can help organizations improve their business outcomes. This includes increased productivity, reduced turnover, and better team dynamics.
rehigher's hiring method can identify potential issues with a candidate's fit that could impact their job performance, such as poor communication skills or difficulty working in a team.
Reduce the risk of bad hires that can lead to poor business outcomes and a waste of resources.
Bring non-bias hiring to your organization through our matching process.