hiring support services for
small organizations


rehigher platform access + HR support for small organizations

reHR is a comprehensive hiring service from rehigher that offers hiring support to small organizations looking to recruit new talent.

Our non-bias hiring platform is designed to help small businesses find the right candidates for their teams with a focus on behavioral matching and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Our behavioral matching technology is powered by AI and is specifically tailored to help small businesses identify candidates who are a good fit for their organizational culture and values.

This means that our platform is designed to go beyond traditional qualifications and skills to help small businesses find candidates who are the best match for their team.
Non-bias & DEI hiring

At reHR, we recognize the importance of diversity and inclusivity in today's workforce. Our platform has been specifically designed to facilitate diverse hiring, ensuring that your organization has access to a broad pool of qualified candidates.

Training & coaching

We provide a wide range of services to support your organization's efforts to build a more inclusive workplace, including training and coaching on best hiring practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Pro rated or hourly rates

We understand that small businesses often don't have the resources for their hiring needs.
reHR provides services on an hourly or pro rated basis, so you can pick and choose what you need, when you need it.

DEI hiring is our mission.

This approach to hiring not only helps organizations to build a more diverse and inclusive team, but it also helps to promote fairness and equality in the workplace.

need some hiring help?

Let us take the lead

reHR services include:
Quality talent matches from the rehigher hiring platform
Personalized support and guidance throughout the entire hiring process, from help writing job descriptions to scheduling and conducting interviews and making offers
Hourly rates
and more...
let's get started

One stop hiring, none of the hassle

reHR is the perfect solution for small businesses looking to hire new talent without the stress and hassle that often comes with the process. With our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusive hiring, we are dedicated to helping small organizations build strong, talented, and inclusive teams.

Contact us today to learn more about how reHR can help your organization achieve its hiring goals.

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