July 6, 2023
Transferable Skills

Unveiling True Potential: The Power of Non-Bias Hiring & Transferable Skills

In today's rapidly evolving job market, employers seeking to build diverse and resilient teams must embrace non-bias hiring practices with the consideration of behavioral assessment and recognizing the value of transferable skills. By doing so, employers unlock a pool of diverse talent and can then position themselves for success in an ever-changing industry.

In a recent job survey, around 40% of current job seekers wanted to leverage the benefits of transferable skills to stand out and seize new career opportunities in a different industry. This article will explore the benefits of adopting behavioral-based non-bias hiring for employers and how it opens doors for job seekers with industry change by recognizing transferable skills.

Benefits for Employers

  1. Objective and Effective Evaluation:

Behavioral-based non-bias hiring allows employers to make informed decisions based on candidates' competencies, behavioral traits, and potential for success. By using structured assessments and focusing on objective criteria, employers can identify candidates who align with the desired job requirements leading to more effective hiring decisions and likely overall better fit for the candidate and employer.

2. Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion:

Embracing behavioral-based non-bias hiring promotes diversity and inclusion within organizations. Employers can remove any unconscious or conscious bias by focusing on behavioral traits and skills, creating a level playing field for all candidates. This approach helps build diverse teams that foster creativity, innovation, and fresh perspectives, leading to a competitive advantage in the market.

3. Adaptability to Industry Changes:

Behavioral-based hiring allows employers to identify candidates with transferable skills that have the potential to transition to new industries or roles seamlessly. These skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, are valuable assets that enable candidates to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape. By recognizing the significance of transferable skills, employers can stay agile and responsive to industry and organizational shifts.

4. Improved Employee Retention:

When employers adopt behavioral-based non-bias hiring, they increase the likelihood of hiring candidates who fit the organization's culture and values. This alignment can foster higher employee satisfaction and engagement, improving retention rates. Employees who feel valued for their skills and behaviors are likelier to have a sense of loyalty, be productive, and contribute to the organization's long-term success.

It can cost up to 2x an employee's annual salary to fill a vacant role when the talent search is completed through traditional methods. Retention effects the bottom line of any organization.

Benefits for Job Seekers

  1. Recognition of Transferable Skills:

Behavioral-based non-bias hiring practices should acknowledge the value of transferable skills possessed by job seekers. These skills, such as leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability, can be applied across various industries and roles. With a focus on these transferable skills during the hiring process, job seekers can present themselves as versatile candidates capable of thriving in different environments, opening up more opportunities for career advancement.

2. Increased Access to Opportunities:

With a focus on behavioral traits and transferable skills, job seekers are no longer confined to traditional paths within their industry. Behavioral-based non-bias hiring allows them to showcase their capabilities and potential, increasing their chances of securing roles in various industries where their skills can be effectively utilized. Expanded access to these opportunities promotes career growth, diversification, and professional and personal fulfillment.

3. Improved Job Satisfaction:

After the massive shift in the market seen during The Great Resignation, job satisfaction has come more to the forefront than ever for organizations looking to retain their talent.

When job seekers are hired based on their behavioral traits and existing skills, they are more likely to find satisfaction in their roles. Recognizing the importance of these attributes enables employers to match candidates with positions where they can make the most impact and feel fulfilled. This alignment between skills, behaviors, and responsibilities leads to greater job satisfaction, professional growth, and a high employer retention rate.


Behavioral-based non-bias hiring practices bring substantial benefits to both employers and job seekers. By adopting this approach, employers create a fair and objective evaluation process, and by fostering diversity and inclusion, organizations can build agile, innovative, and future-proof teams. This commitment to non-bias hiring can lead to improved business outcomes and create an inclusive and thriving work environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

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